I'll start w/an old ITA.com page:Â
Supplied for an application as a programmer, for:
Michael Bobak's, solution to the Maze Problem, with output.
also my 1st soln, with output.
Several formats of my resume at http://mike.bobak.googlepages.com
ps. I had a start to the palindrome code, but got more interested in the maze above.
I used CLIPS and my related utils.
ps. The work above is from Jan05, which resulted in a quick chat.
Using something like netlogo would of been a more natural fit w/my attempt.
It decends from *logo and *lisp
Since this time I've looked at other ideas in Lisp, and am now collect all the Lisp libs I might want to use, and will move forward w/o these other related language for the most part.