============================================= Ben asks about Topbraid; I'm ok w/replacing GKB w/Protege, but don't think TB is needed. I've also been thinking about racer, but think it might also be too much. I have a lot more to say about this; I do think if we have already paid for ACL that would should consider using acache(vs.mysql)&agraph if useful. ============================================= Re:modern-lisp: I only use mlisp when it specifically calls for it. It adds extra chance for error. alisp is what I use (when not using sbcl) ps. franz might try a umls load in agraph ============================================= I've thought SWCLOS is interesting, but like to stay away from xml/rdf/etc internally I'm more interested in reasoning over extensions to the object-system. ============================================= I stlll don't see the ebay sun upgrade as that useful(for a few reasons); I also think it dangerous to upgrade that way; Finally, I think the 1k would be better used on a small intel box. I still find os-x the only thing w/o headache so far.. It can also run any os we are thinking about. ============================================= RAM will be more helpful than a HardDrive Cleaning the HD, at least the scratch space will help w/paging out. Consider using >1 machine at a time to speed things up. I'm sure I could offer other suggestions. Show me the SUN specific code, So I can change it. ============================================= 1)Saw HD error on Arches only onece. So not calling it in yet. 2)ACL8.1 Needs Solaris9 or above. Tried 10. OpenSolaris(~=10/l1)is even easier to use. 3)Arches is online, waiting for Ben's update. Not fixed-ip yet; but still more useable. 4)Several explanations of getting new vs fixing old. Only parts that make sense are very cheap one(s) now. 5)If a real change is needed, new/different machine. Linux&/orOS-Xbox should be mixed in, as needed. 6)What is really needed when? I'm guessing now: Not much at the moment, but when we do we should get a machine that has room to grow easily. 7)A lnx|osx server that could go to 8-16Meg RAM In sys.htm that would be a few $k. =============================================* Not really waiting for Chris, as he will show us a machine for $6k+ that we don't want to get; Which is still better than the cost of updating the EOL machines; More money&less machine. Only thing is Ben gets eBay parts to get by for now; and then we get a modern stock machine that can easily grow w/our needs. ============================================= All advice/facts/etc point to new machines vs. updating them. Min ACL OS needs, mean we also have to update the OS. Even on sun, we should consider Linux;but 10 or OpenSolaris would be ok. I don't want to take care of something old/I've wasted too much already. So if I'm to take care of it, I'll update it; -more in sun.txt & sys.htm for machine ideas. =Basically it has come down to, if Ben can get &(have)e-bay parts installed, =>then it is worth keeping those as the main machines. Otherwise we should get a Linux or OS-X box. I vote for OS-X as I use it at home, and it is the easiest to administer. http://mike.bobak.googlepages.com/sys.htm has my suggestions. I can alter that given needs (more/less disk)&money available at what time. Remember, full priced parts are not worth it for the sun's &we were already planning to get different machines when this time came. http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/09/29/1922213 http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download (for unltraspac) http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/10/15/132252 (lnx on dell up) http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/10/16/028233 (debian on dell) can have linux (&other os's at the same time): http://wiki.onmac.net/index.php/Triple_Boot_via_BootCamp_Ubuntu Still: "setup&admin. No IT dept required" http://www.apple.com/server/macosx/features/admin.html http://www.apple.com/xserve/ or.. http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/300.html#unix --It would help if I knew what Ben found wrong w/the present system /what improvments he wanted to see; &for the longer term what new stresses are expected on the system. I expect a need for new RAM at somepoint, &this system will be limited. I don't think it is worth putting any more money into. Also it is not easy to maintain; Well at least w/the 10+yr old OS. The newest one helps, &is on par w/Linux(almost), but os-x helps. [We could put Linux on it; I've seen that, but opensolaris is ok.] The Sparc chips do not help; Sun is moving towards AMD. Yet any of the intel boxes would be a fine replacement; When we need it. --------this might help in deciding about machines to buy: http://glinden.blogspot.com/2007/10/starting-findory-hardware-go-boom.html